Ask Pippa

Other Things Pippa Does

Pippa Wysong is a freelance writer who writes everything from science for kids, to news and features for grown-ups to read.

FOR KIDS. Pippa writes for several publications that appeal to readers from rugrats to teens. These include the Starship page in The Toronto Star; Kidsworld Magazine; and various magazines published by Weekly Reader (distributed through schools across the US). She also founded the kids club for the Royal Canadian Institute (RCI) for the advancement of science and wrote/edited the RCI kids newsletter.

FOR GROWN-UPS. Pippa writes for newspapers, magazines and websites. She's written for The Globe and Mail, Scientific American, Canadian Living Magazine, various international specialty medical newspapers, and much more. She will lead communications workshops for scientists who want to improve their comfort level talking to reporters.

She is a regular contributor to the Whats News section of the educational website Access Excellence.

SCHOOL TALKS. Pippa is available to give enthusiastic talks to kids in high schools on topics such as journalism, and careers in science. She will also lead writing workshops. For more details and rates, contact Pippa at AskPippa[AT]

AWARDS. Pippa Wysong has won several journalism awards for medical writing, and in 2002 was recipient of a Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal for her volunteer work in helping promote science appreciation.

Hobbies: Patting cats, canoeing, and making terrible puns.

About Ask Pippa

The Ask Pippa column got its start on the Toronto Star's kids' page (Starship) in August 1988 and ran until 2008. It is a question and answer column on science and nature. If you have a question send it to:


Due to the large number of letters, most, sadly, won't be used. But, once in a while one will.